Medical-Assisted Death Advocacy in the U.S.

Deb Robertson advocates for medical-assisted death as a way to have control over her end-of-life experience. The practice is legal in some states and being debated in others, sparking moral and ethical arguments among Americans.

Key Points

  • Legalization in some states with specific criteria for patient eligibility
  • Advocacy groups pushing for removal of residency requirements and expansion of in-state access
  • Contentious debate between supporters of autonomy and opponents citing moral and ethical concerns


  • Provides terminally ill patients with autonomy and control over their end-of-life decisions
  • Allows patients to avoid prolonged suffering and pain
  • Offers a peaceful and dignified death option for those who qualify


  • Opposition from religious groups and lawmakers due to moral objections
  • Concerns about potential misuse, coercion, and normalizing suicide
  • Debate on whether it truly enhances end-of-life care