Political Crisis in Haiti

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
A transitional council has been established in Haiti to choose the next prime minister and Cabinet, as gangs tighten their grip on the troubled country.

Key Points

  • Transitional council established to choose Haiti's next prime minister and Cabinet.
  • Gangs continue to tighten their grip on the country, causing widespread violence and displacement.
  • Haiti has not held an election in eight years, leading to political instability.
  • About 1 million people in Haiti are on the brink of famine, according to the U.N.


  • Formation of the transitional council could lead to stability and democratic legitimacy in Haiti.
  • Potential to address widespread gang violence and humanitarian crisis in the country.


  • Years of democratic disruption and political instability have plagued Haiti.
  • Gang violence has led to scores of deaths and widespread displacement.