Akebono, First Foreign Yokozuna in Sumo Wrestling

SOURCE npr.org
Akebono, the first foreigner to achieve the highest rank in sumo wrestling in Japan, passed away in Tokyo at the age of 54. He was known for his dedication to the sport and how he conducted himself in public.

Key Points

  • Akebono's historic achievement as the first foreign yokozuna in sumo wrestling.
  • Emphasis on conduct and public perception in attaining the rank of yokozuna.
  • The challenges and successes Akebono faced in his sumo wrestling career.


  • Akebono broke barriers by becoming the first foreigner to reach the rank of yokozuna in Japan's national sport of sumo wrestling.
  • He emphasized the importance of conduct and public perception, not just winning matches, in achieving the rank of yokozuna.
  • Akebono's attitude and dedication to sumo wrestling won over fans and helped him succeed in the sport.


  • Akebono faced challenges in meeting public expectations and dealing with differing opinions on what a yokozuna should be.
  • After retiring from sumo wrestling, Akebono struggled to replicate his success in other martial arts and wrestling ventures.