Attitudes towards Sexual Relations with Robots

Researchers have studied attitudes towards and interest in sexual relations with robots, finding that individuals higher in hostile sexism and social dominance orientation are more likely to be interested. Men are more likely to be interested in sexual relations with robots, while women are more likely to view robots as friends. The study suggests that individuals with certain attitudes may see robots as more trustworthy or as objects to use.

Key Points

  • Individuals higher in hostile sexism and social dominance orientation are more likely to be interested in sexual relations with robots
  • Men are more interested in sexual relations with robots, while women are more likely to view robots as friends
  • Robots may be seen as more trustworthy or as objects to use by individuals with certain attitudes


  • Research sheds light on attitudes towards sexual relations with robots
  • Provides insight into factors that influence interest in robosexuality


  • Controversial topic that may spark debate and differing opinions