Criticism of New York Ballot Initiative on Gender Reassignment Surgery

Critics are concerned about a ballot initiative in New York that they claim has vague language, potentially preventing parents from being involved in their children's decisions regarding gender reassignment surgery. The Equal Rights Amendment passed by the state's legislature will be put to voters in November 2024. Critics argue that the amendment could lead to irreversible harm to children and families, dubbing it 'The Parent Replacement Act.'

Key Points

  • Critics claim the ballot initiative in New York has vague language regarding gender reassignment surgery
  • The Equal Rights Amendment passed by the state's legislature is criticized for potentially excluding parents from decisions about their children's surgeries
  • Public opinion on giving children puberty blockers while experiencing gender dysphoria is low


  • Vague language in the ballot initiative could prevent parents from being involved in their children's decisions regarding gender reassignment surgery
  • Concerns about potential irreversible harm to children and families due to the broad and poorly written Equal Rights Amendment