Decline of the Great Salt Lake in Utah

Scientists track the decline of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, linking it to water diversions, climate change, and a megadrought. The shrinking lake threatens migratory birds as their habitat diminishes. Efforts are being made to reverse the decline and protect the lake's ecosystem.

Key Points

  • Water diversions by farmers and Utah's growing population are major factors in the Great Salt Lake's decline
  • Sharp declines in shorebird populations observed due to drying of the lake and dying brine shrimp
  • Recent efforts by state leaders to invest in water conservation programs to save the lake


  • Increased awareness of the Great Salt Lake's decline
  • Efforts by scientists, researchers, and state leaders to protect the lake and its ecosystem
  • Publicity around the crisis bringing in more funding for research


  • Shrinking lake threatening migratory birds and their habitat
  • Water diversions, climate change, and a megadrought contributing to the decline