Former U.S. Ambassador and NSC Member Guilty of Acting as Cuban Agent

Former U.S. ambassador and National Security Council member pleads guilty to acting as a secret agent for Cuba for decades. He is sentenced to 15 years in prison for working against the U.S. government. Prosecutors dismissed other charges in exchange for his guilty plea.

Key Points

  • Victor Manuel Rocha pleaded guilty to acting as an agent of the Cuban government
  • He held positions of trust in the U.S. government while working against it
  • Rocha was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his actions
  • Significant restrictions were imposed on Rocha as part of his sentencing


  • Justice served for betrayal of trust and deceit towards the U.S. government
  • Significant restrictions imposed on the guilty party


  • Decades-long infiltration of the U.S. government by a foreign agent
  • Danger posed to national security and U.S. citizens