Ukrainian men risking their lives to avoid military draft

Ukrainian men are risking their lives to avoid the military draft by swimming across the hazardous Tysa River to reunite with their families, highlighting the challenges President Zelensky faces in mobilizing fresh troops amidst ongoing warfare with Russia.

Key Points

  • Thousands of Ukrainian men are choosing to risk swimming across the Tysa River to avoid the draft
  • Ukraine is facing a severe shortage of soldiers, with Russians outnumbering Ukrainians in certain sections of the front
  • Draft dodging has been on the rise, with men seeking refuge in European countries
  • Smuggling operations have shifted focus to guiding draft dodgers across borders


  • Highlighting the challenges faced by President Zelensky in mobilizing fresh troops
  • Drawing attention to the acute shortage of soldiers in Ukraine


  • Increased risk of death or injury for draft dodgers attempting to cross the hazardous Tysa River