Black Market Sperm Donations and Unconventional Family Planning

The article discusses the underground world of black market sperm donations where men offer their sperm through unregulated channels such as Facebook, TikTok, and dating apps. It explores various methods of insemination, the risks involved, and the potential consequences for both donors and recipients. The story follows the experiences of individuals involved in unconventional family planning and the challenges they face, including legal and financial implications.

Key Points

  • Men offer sperm through unregulated channels like Facebook, TikTok, and dating apps.
  • Various methods of insemination are discussed, including natural insemination (NI) and artificial insemination (AI).
  • Challenges such as accidental incest, lack of genetic testing, and potential exploitation are highlighted.
  • Home DNA testing kits have changed the landscape, holding donors accountable for their offspring.
  • Legal and financial implications for donors, recipients, and children born through these methods are explored.


  • Provides insight into the world of underground sperm donations and unconventional family planning methods.
  • Raises awareness about the risks and consequences associated with black market sperm donations.
  • Sheds light on the challenges faced by both donors and recipients in this unregulated industry.


  • Highlights potential legal and financial issues that arise from unregulated sperm donations.
  • Discusses unethical practices and risks associated with black market sperm donations.
  • Reveals the lack of oversight and accountability in the underground sperm trade.