Cliven Bundy Ranch Standoff

A decade after a standoff in Nevada over ranching on federal land, rancher Cliven Bundy's cattle still graze freely. The standoff ended peacefully with no shots fired, and Bundy remains defiant. Bundy and his family continue ranching despite facing legal challenges and unpaid grazing fees. The standoff had reverberating effects, with Bundy's sons later involved in a standoff in Oregon. Conservation groups are suing to remove Bundy's cattle and protect the desert tortoise.

Key Points

  • Standoff ended without violence
  • Legal battles over unpaid fees and land use
  • Reverberating effects on subsequent events
  • Conservation groups suing to protect the desert tortoise habitat


  • Peaceful resolution of a tense standoff
  • Family tradition of ranching upheld
  • Support for local sovereignty


  • Unpaid grazing fees and legal challenges
  • Potential harm to the desert tortoise habitat
  • Continued defiance against federal regulations