New York lawmakers proposing rules to reduce rat population humanely

New York lawmakers are proposing rules to humanely reduce the rat population by using contraception and banning glue traps. Various methods such as birth control for rats and carbon monoxide are being considered as alternatives to lethal chemicals and traps.

Key Points

  • Proposed methods include using birth control for rats and carbon monoxide as alternatives to lethal chemicals and traps
  • City and statewide measures are being considered to control rodent populations
  • Some support for banning glue traps, while others oppose it due to its effectiveness in managing other pests


  • Using contraception and banning glue traps are more humane ways to control the rat population
  • Alternative methods like birth control for rats and carbon monoxide are being considered to avoid the use of lethal chemicals and traps
  • Focus on ethical and humane ways to manage rodent populations


  • Some individuals and lawmakers may still prefer traditional methods like rat poison, snap traps, and glue boards
  • Resistance and challenges in implementing new rules and regulations