Cats starring in live-action projects

Cats are increasingly getting dramatic roles in live-action projects, breaking the norm of being relegated to brief appearances in films. Key factors driving this trend include cats being popular in the zeitgeist, their expressive nature, and advancements in CG technology and cat training techniques.

Key Points

  • Cats are becoming more prominent in live-action projects
  • Factors like popularity, expressiveness, and technology advancements contribute to this trend
  • Training techniques for cats in movies have greatly evolved


  • Cats are being recognized for their acting abilities in live-action projects
  • Cats are gaining more screen time and important roles in films
  • Advancements in technology and training have made it easier to work with cats in movies


  • Historically, cats have been relegated to minor roles or tropes in films
  • Working with cats can be challenging due to their independent nature