Donald Trump's Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case

Legal expert Greg Germain believes it will be very difficult for Donald Trump to win his hush money case in Manhattan due to the Democratic and liberal leanings of the jury pool. Former president Trump faces trial for allegedly paying off women to keep quiet about his affairs.

Key Points

  • Manhattan jury pool leans Democratic and liberal, potentially posing challenges for Trump's defense.
  • Trump faces trial for allegedly paying hush money to women to silence their allegations of affairs.
  • Former prosecutor suggests Trump's best chance is to find a holdout juror rather than aiming for a full acquittal.


  • It is likely to be challenging for Trump to find jurors in Manhattan who would be sympathetic to his case due to the demographic makeup of the area.
  • Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance believes Trump is unlikely to receive a full acquittal unless there is a prosecutorial error.
  • The case involves allegations of paying off women to keep quiet about alleged affairs, which could have political implications.