Lawsuit Against MI5 Over Manchester Arena Terror Attack

Survivors of the Manchester Arena terror attack are suing MI5 for failing to prevent the attack in 2017. The lawsuit is based on negligence and violation of the 'right to life' under the Human Rights Act. MI5 has admitted to missing chances to stop the bomber and apologized for failing to prevent the attack.

Key Points

  • Survivors and family members have filed a lawsuit against MI5 for failing to prevent the 2017 terror attack in Manchester
  • MI5 had reportedly missed chances to stop the attacker and had prior intelligence on the threat
  • The legal action is based on negligence and violation of the 'right to life' under the Human Rights Act


  • Seeking accountability for intelligence failures
  • Raising awareness on the importance of national security


  • Potential strain on relations between survivors and intelligence agencies
  • Complex legal process may be emotionally challenging for survivors