Paul Rusesabagina's Stand Against the Rwandan Government

Paul Rusesabagina, known for his heroism during the Rwandan genocide, has spoken out against the Rwandan government, despite facing imprisonment and threats for doing so. His daughter also highlights the risks associated with criticizing the government. The family believes that change is possible in Rwanda, but the country remains in a precarious state.

Key Points

  • Rusesabagina sheltered over 1,000 people during the genocide.
  • He was kidnapped, tried, and imprisoned in Rwanda for over two years.
  • Rusesabagina's daughter highlights the dangers of speaking out against the Rwandan government.


  • Paul Rusesabagina's bravery and humanitarian efforts during the Rwandan genocide are commendable.
  • Speaking out against the government's actions can potentially lead to positive change in Rwanda.


  • Rusesabagina faced imprisonment and threats for criticizing the Rwandan government.
  • There are risks associated with openly opposing the government, including surveillance and potential harm.