Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

After a devastating fire in 2019, skilled craftsmen from around the world, including carpenter Hank Silver, came together to help rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The restoration work has made significant progress, utilizing both modern and traditional building methods. The project has received overwhelming support from donors worldwide, surpassing the estimated cost of $760 million.

Key Points

  • Skilled craftsmen recreated traditional tools on site to match those used in the original construction of the cathedral
  • Over $895 million has been donated for the restoration work, surpassing the estimated cost of $760 million
  • 2,000 oak trees were sourced from forests around Europe for the rebuild, some up to 400 years old


  • Skilled craftsmen from around the world came together to assist in the restoration work
  • Significant progress has been made on the rebuilding of Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Generous donations from individuals and organizations worldwide have supported the project
  • Utilization of both modern and traditional building methods in the restoration process


  • The devastating fire in 2019 led to the destruction of the iconic spire and roof of Notre Dame Cathedral