9-Year-Old Adopts Octopus as Pet

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
A 9-year-old boy in Oklahoma adopted an octopus named Terrance as a pet, with the octopus unexpectedly laying eggs and hatching babies. The family is now caring for the baby octopuses and seeking assistance in placing them in aquariums and research facilities.

Key Points

  • 9-year-old boy adopts octopus named Terrance.
  • Octopus unexpectedly lays eggs, hatches babies.
  • Family seeks assistance in placing baby octopuses in aquariums and research facilities.


  • Encouraging children's interest in nature and marine biology.
  • Educational experience for the child and the family.
  • Opportunity to care for and learn about an unusual pet.


  • Short lifespan of the octopus species.
  • Expensive upkeep and care requirements.
  • Unexpected challenges and learning experiences in caring for the octopus.