Call for Regime Change in Iran

Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz calls for regime change in Iran due to the threat it poses to the Middle East and the world, citing recent Iranian missile and drone attacks intercepted by Israel. Dershowitz believes regime change is necessary to stop Iran from exporting terrorism and attacking the United States.

Key Points

  • Iran's history of exporting terrorism and attacking the United States necessitates regime change.
  • Legal, moral, political, and diplomatic justifications exist for Israel and the United States to pursue regime change in Iran.
  • Support for regime change in Iran is growing among pro-Israel voters, potentially impacting future elections.


  • Regime change in Iran could potentially stop the country from exporting terrorism and posing a threat to the Middle East and the world.
  • Israeli military and allies intercepted a massive Iranian missile and drone attack, highlighting the urgency of addressing the Iranian regime's actions.


  • Regime change in Iraq during the Iraq War was opposed by Dershowitz, stating it was 'none of our business' how Saddam Hussain treated his own people.
  • Military action may be required to bring about regime change in Iran, potentially leading to further conflict and casualties.