Carjacking and Kidnapping of FBI Employee in South Dakota

Three individuals convicted of carjacking and kidnapping an FBI employee in South Dakota. One sentenced to 37 years in prison, another awaiting sentencing, and the third pleaded guilty. The incident involved a drug trafficking trip and gunpoint abduction.

Key Points

  • Three individuals convicted of carjacking and kidnapping an FBI employee in South Dakota
  • Incident involved a 'drug trafficking trip' and gunpoint abduction
  • One perpetrator sentenced to 37 years in prison, another awaiting sentencing, and the third pleaded guilty
  • Victim managed to escape when the group stopped to buy gas and zip ties


  • Justice served through convictions and sentencing of the perpetrators
  • Victim managed to escape and report the crime


  • Traumatic experience for the FBI employee
  • Violent and dangerous criminal activity