Indian General Election and Prime Minister Narendra Modi

The article discusses the upcoming democratic election in India, where almost 970 million voters will decide whether to give Prime Minister Narendra Modi a third term. Modi's supporters credit him with economic growth, while his critics accuse him of promoting Hindu nationalism and cracking down on opposition. Overseas supporters are campaigning for Modi, while the fractured opposition struggles to consolidate. The election will last six weeks, with Modi facing strong support and opposition.

Key Points

  • Modi's economic achievements are a key talking point for his supporters.
  • The opposition is struggling to present a unified front against Modi.
  • Modi's global popularity and support among the Indian diaspora are significant factors in the election.


  • Modi's supporters credit him with putting India on the global stage and turning it into one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.
  • Overseas supporters are actively campaigning for Modi's re-election, emphasizing his achievements in infrastructure, technology, and education.
  • Modi's global fanbase is strong, with his face appearing everywhere in India and support extending to the Indian diaspora in the U.S.


  • Critics accuse Modi of fanning Hindu nationalism, cracking down on opponents, stifling press freedom, and stoking religious tensions with minority groups.
  • The fractured opposition faces challenges in consolidating and competing against Modi's strong support base.
  • Opposition politicians have faced strong-arm tactics, with arrests and frozen bank accounts hindering their campaigns.