Arrests of Criminal Gang of Migrant Thieves in New England

Federal agents have arrested suspects involved in an organized criminal gang of migrants stealing merchandise from stores across New England. The thieves would hide high-ticket items in larger furniture pieces, buy the furniture, then return it for a refund. The group was caught in Rhode Island after a heist and found with stolen goods, cash, and a vehicle. This type of retail larceny can harm communities by driving stores out and removing convenient shopping options.

Key Points

  • Thieves targeted specific products in large quantities
  • Used a method of concealing items in larger furniture pieces
  • Arrests made after a heist in Smithfield, Rhode Island
  • Stolen goods, cash, and a vehicle seized


  • Federal agents taking action against organized criminal activity
  • Recovery of stolen goods and cash


  • Impact on communities due to retail larceny
  • Immigrants involved in criminal activities