Brutal Attack in LA's Venice Canals Neighborhood

Mary Klein, a victim of a brutal attack in LA's Venice Canals neighborhood, speaks out about her experience. The attacker, Anthony Francisco Jones, has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses. Klein sustained severe injuries and requires facial reconstructive surgery.

Key Points

  • Victim Mary Klein speaks out about the attack and the need for justice.
  • The attacker, Anthony Francisco Jones, fled the scene but was later arrested.
  • The attack led to severe injuries, including facial fractures, for Mary Klein.
  • The community is shocked and outraged by the brutal assaults.


  • The attacker has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses.
  • Calls for justice and change in policies to protect citizens.


  • Severe injuries sustained by the victims.
  • The attacker had no criminal history in California but had minor charges in other states.