Controversy at Columbia University Over Pro-Hamas Professors

Rep. Elise Stefanik questions Columbia University's president about pro-Hamas professors on campus, including Joseph Massad and Mohamed Abdou. Massad made controversial remarks about terror attacks in Israel, while Abdou expressed support for Hamas and Hezbollah. The president confirms disciplinary actions against Massad and termination of Abdou's employment at the university.

Key Points

  • Rep. Stefanik questions Columbia University president about faculty members' support for terror
  • Joseph Massad's controversial statements about terror attacks in Israel
  • Mohamed Abdou's alleged support for Hamas and Hezbollah
  • Disciplinary actions taken against professors
  • Abdou's employment terminated at the university


  • Rep. Stefanik holding Columbia University accountable for faculty members' controversial statements
  • Disciplinary actions taken against professors who made inappropriate remarks


  • Controversy surrounding the hiring process of professors with questionable statements
  • Concerns raised about the presence of pro-Hamas activists on campus