Controversy over NPR's CEO Katherine Maher's left-wing ideology and past social media posts

Former NPR editor Uri Berliner's statement about the resignation of NPR's embattled chief executive Katherine Maher, who has faced criticism for her left-wing ideology and past social media posts. Maher's support for liberal figures and views has sparked controversy within the organization.

Key Points

  • Uri Berliner criticizes Katherine Maher's suitability for the CEO position at NPR
  • Maher's past social media posts show support for liberal figures and criticism of conservative viewpoints
  • Controversy arises over Maher's statements on issues like looting, White privilege, and political figures
  • Concerns raised about Maher's ability to lead a diverse news organization


  • Transparency about the CEO's personal beliefs and past actions
  • Discussion around viewpoint diversity in news organizations


  • Potential for bias in news reporting based on the CEO's political views
  • Internal conflict within the organization