Democrats Running in Idaho State Legislative Districts

Democrats in Idaho are running candidates in every state legislative district for the first time in at least 30 years, aiming to challenge the GOP's supermajority by focusing on issues like reproductive rights and countering cultural conservatism.

Key Points

  • Democrats making gains in states with GOP-dominated legislatures
  • Focus on countering cultural conservatism and promoting progressive values
  • Recruitment effort to build campaigns from the bottom up in conservative districts
  • Efforts to challenge the GOP supermajority and shift the state's political landscape


  • Record number of Democratic candidates running in Idaho legislative districts
  • Focus on challenging GOP supermajority and pushing for progressive issues like reproductive rights
  • Opportunity to present a different vision for the future of the state


  • Democrats face long odds of sweeping the election in November
  • GOP dominance in Idaho with most legislative seats controlled by Republicans