Woman Dies from Suspected Mushroom Poisoning at Alternative Health Clinic

SOURCE www.dailymail.co.uk
A woman died from suspected mushroom poisoning at an alternative health clinic in Victoria, Australia. The clinic owner clarified that it was a private event not hosted by them, and the incident has left the community devastated. The woman who died was a health practitioner, and the clinic remained closed following the tragedy.

Key Points

  • Woman dies from suspected mushroom poisoning at an alternative health clinic in Victoria, Australia.
  • The clinic owner clarifies that it was a private event not hosted by them.
  • The incident has left the community devastated, and the clinic remains closed.
  • The woman who died was a health practitioner with ties to New Zealand.
  • Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident.


  • The clinic owner clarified the nature of the event and expressed deep sorrow.
  • Community support and condolences were shared for the woman who died and her family.
  • The incident highlights the risks associated with consuming wild mushrooms.


  • The tragic death of the woman due to suspected mushroom poisoning.
  • The devastating impact on the community and the family of the deceased woman.