Comparison of voter preferences among young adults for President Biden and former President Trump

Former President Trump has closed the gap with President Biden by double digits among voters aged 18-29 compared to 2020, with Biden still leading but by a smaller margin. Trump's advantage lies in enthusiasm and perception of the country's direction, while Biden's job approval ratings are low, especially among young voters.

Key Points

  • Biden still leads among young voters but by a smaller margin compared to 2020
  • Trump's voter enthusiasm is higher than Biden's
  • Biden's job approval ratings among young voters are notably low


  • Trump has gained double-digit ground among young voters aged 18-29 compared to 2020
  • Trump has a clear advantage in voter enthusiasm
  • Trump is gaining support among key parts of the Democrat base, including black and Hispanic voters


  • Biden's lead among young voters has decreased from 2020
  • Biden's job approval ratings are low, especially among young voters
  • Negative and inflammatory language used in the article