Deepfake Technology Used in Romance Scams by Yahoo Boys in Nigeria

Yahoo Boys in Nigeria are using deepfake technology to perpetrate romance scams, tricking victims into believing they are interacting with someone else. The scammers use face-swapping technology to change their appearance in real-time during video calls, building trust with victims before defrauding them of thousands of dollars.

Key Points

  • Yahoo Boys in Nigeria are using deepfake technology for romance scams.
  • The scammers build trust with victims by using fake identities and altered appearances.
  • Deepfake technology is evolving and becoming more convincing, making it harder to detect.
  • Scammers use a variety of software and apps to create deepfake videos in real-time.


  • Scammers are using innovative technology to carry out their fraudulent activities.
  • The use of deepfake technology highlights the evolving tactics of cybercriminals.


  • Victims suffer significant financial losses, with over $650 million lost to romance fraud last year.
  • Scammers exploit personal information and emotions of victims, causing emotional distress.