Illegal Alien Accused of Child Rape in Massachusetts

An illegal alien accused of raping a child in Massachusetts after being released by DHS. ICE lodged a detainer, but it was not honored. The accused was later arrested and remains in federal custody pending deportation.

Key Points

  • Accused illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border with parents in July 2021
  • Arrested in Massachusetts for motor vehicle violations in August 2023
  • Warrant issued in December 2023 for child rape and enticement charges
  • ICE lodged detainer while accused was in jail in Maine
  • Accused was later arrested by ICE near his residence in Lowell, Massachusetts


  • ICE lodged a detainer against the accused
  • The accused remains in federal custody pending deportation


  • The court refused to honor the ICE detainer initially
  • The accused was allowed to bail out of jail