Medicaid Unwinding and Coverage Issues

Millions of Americans, including the Navas family, are facing issues with Medicaid eligibility and coverage, leading to many becoming uninsured and experiencing delays in seeking care. The unwinding of Medicaid has caused confusion and stress for many, with states reassessing eligibility and dropping individuals for procedural reasons. Despite efforts to communicate with enrollees, the process has overwhelmed state call centers.

Key Points

  • Nearly a quarter of adults disenrolled from Medicaid are now uninsured
  • Many individuals struggled to reenroll in Medicaid or find alternative coverage
  • States have disenrolled about 20 million people from Medicaid in the past year


  • Survey sheds light on the challenges faced by millions of Americans with Medicaid coverage
  • Provides insights into the impact of the Medicaid unwinding process on individuals and families


  • Millions of adults disenrolled from Medicaid are now uninsured
  • The unwinding process has caused delays in care and prescriptions for many