Salman Rushdie's Life and 'The Satanic Verses'

Novelist Salman Rushdie discusses his life, including the backlash and threats he faced after publishing 'The Satanic Verses' inspired by the life of Prophet Muhammad. He survived a vicious attack in 2022 and chronicled his experience in his new memoir 'KNIFE'.

Key Points

  • Rushdie survived a brutal attack in 2022, leaving him with severe injuries.
  • He has written a memoir titled 'KNIFE' detailing his experience.


  • Salman Rushdie gained critical acclaim for his work, including 'Midnight's Children'.
  • His novel 'The Satanic Verses' aimed to explore Islamic culture and offer a different perspective to Western readers.


  • The publication of 'The Satanic Verses' led to intense backlash and threats to Rushdie's life.
  • Rushdie faced a fatwa from Iran's supreme leader, forcing him into hiding for many years.