Suspension of Isra Hirsi from Barnard College for Anti-Israel Protests

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, suspended from Barnard College for involvement in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. She and two other students were suspended for participating in an unauthorized encampment despite warnings. Hirsi remains defiant and calls for divestment from companies complicit in genocide.

Key Points

  • Isra Hirsi suspended from Barnard College for involvement in anti-Israel protests
  • Received notice of suspension along with two other students
  • Protesting against complicity in genocide and lack of transparency in investments
  • Defiant in the face of suspension, continuing to demand change


  • Standing in solidarity with Palestinians
  • Calling for divestment from companies complicit in genocide


  • Suspended from college
  • Facing repression for protesting