Tips for improving sleep quality through food choices

Tips on how to improve sleep quality by choosing the right foods, including lean protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, dairy, bananas, almonds, cherries, oatmeal, turkey, kiwi, Greek yogurt, warm milk, and warm almond milk. Avoid heavy, spicy, high-fat, caffeinated, and highly processed foods before bedtime for better sleep.

Key Points

  • Lean protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates can help maintain fullness and prevent waking up from hunger
  • Foods like dairy, bananas, almonds, cherries, oatmeal, turkey, kiwi, Greek yogurt, warm milk, and warm almond milk contain nutrients that support sleep
  • Avoid heavy, spicy, high-fat, caffeinated, and highly processed foods before bedtime to prevent discomfort and sleep disruption


  • Provides helpful tips on how food choices can impact sleep quality
  • Offers a variety of food options that can promote better sleep
  • Includes expert advice on avoiding certain foods for improved sleep


  • Does not provide specific scientific studies or research to support claims