Trial of Björn Höcke for Using Nazi Slogan

Björn Höcke, a prominent figure in the far-right Alternative for Germany party, is on trial for using a Nazi slogan. He faces charges of using symbols of unconstitutional organizations and is accused of encouraging the audience to shout 'Germany!' at a party event. Höcke has been influential in AfD and is leading the party in Thuringia. He is also facing a second trial for incitement related to a post on Telegram. AfD is a strong force in the east and is leading in polls in Thuringia.

Key Points

  • Björn Höcke is on trial for using a Nazi slogan and faces charges of using symbols of unconstitutional organizations
  • He is influential in the far-right Alternative for Germany party and leads the party in Thuringia
  • Höcke is also facing a second trial for incitement related to a post on Telegram
  • AfD is strong in the east and leading in polls in Thuringia


  • Raises awareness about the influence of far-right parties in Germany


  • Promotes divisive and extremist ideologies