Unionization and Labor Laws in the United States

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Senate Republicans seek to reinstate secret ballots for unionization in the US, as auto workers at Volkswagen’s Chatanooga plant vote whether to join UAW. Legislation aims to require NLRB to impose secret ballots whenever a union seeks to represent a workplace.

Key Points

  • Senate Republicans introducing legislation to reinstate secret ballots for unionization decisions
  • Current NLRB rule allows unions to declare majority support through 'card check' system
  • UAW making efforts to unionize historically non-unionized auto plants in the American South


  • Protecting workers' rights to vote on union representation in private without intimidation
  • Preserving the tradition of secret ballot elections for unionization decisions


  • Potential delay in unionization process due to the reintroduction of secret ballots
  • Opposition from unions and those supporting card check system