House of Representatives passes $26 billion foreign aid bill for Israel and Gaza

The House of Representatives passed a $26 billion foreign aid bill providing funding for Israel and humanitarian aid to Gaza, which sparked controversy among members of Congress. The bill also prohibits funding to the Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA and is part of a larger set of foreign aid bills totaling $95 billion. Tensions in the Middle East have escalated, particularly between Israel and Iran, with limited strikes exchanged. Democrats and Republicans have differing views on Israel funding and the bill's lack of offsets and funding for Gaza raised concerns among fiscal conservatives.

Key Points

  • Bill passed 366 to 58
  • Part of a wider set of bills totaling $95 billion in foreign aid
  • Tensions escalated between Israel and Iran with limited strikes exchanged
  • Differing views on Israel funding among Democrats and Republicans


  • Provides funding for Israel and humanitarian aid to Gaza
  • Prohibits funding to UNRWA, a Palestinian refugee agency alleged to have ties to Hamas


  • Controversial among right and left-wing members of Congress
  • Lack of offsets and funding for Gaza raised concerns among fiscal conservatives