Anti-Taliban Resistance in Afghanistan and Terrorism Threat

Ahmad Massoud, leader of the anti-Taliban resistance in Afghanistan, issues a chilling warning that a new terrorist attack on America is imminent. He highlights the rise in terrorist activity post U.S. withdrawal and the need for global attention and support. The resistance movement he leads is fighting against the brutal Taliban regime to restore freedom and basic rights in Afghanistan.

Key Points

  • Ahmad Massoud issues warning of imminent terrorist attack on America
  • Resistance movement fights against brutal Taliban regime to restore basic rights in Afghanistan
  • Rising terrorist activity and recruitment post U.S. withdrawal


  • Raising awareness about the threat of terrorism post-U.S. withdrawal
  • Leading a resistance movement to fight against the Taliban regime and restore freedom in Afghanistan


  • Growing bitterness and hopelessness among the Afghan people due to the Taliban rule
  • Lack of sufficient support and attention from the international community