Governor Kristi Noem Defends Killing Dog and Goat on Family Farm

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem defended her actions of killing a dog and a goat on her family farm as necessary due to aggressive behavior. Noem is a potential vice presidential contender and staunch Trump supporter.

Key Points

  • Noem killed her dog Cricket due to aggressive behavior and her goat for being mean and dangerous to her kids.
  • She defended her actions as necessary and lawful under South Dakota law.
  • Noem is a potential vice presidential contender and staunch Trump supporter.


  • Noem claims to have followed the law in putting down the dog and goat due to their aggressive behavior towards livestock and people.


  • The actions of killing the dog and goat have sparked backlash and controversy.
  • Some may find the details of the killings disturbing or unethical.
  • Noem's actions may raise questions about her character and decision-making.