House Speaker Mike Johnson's Visit to Columbia University Amid Israel-Hamas War Protests

House Speaker Mike Johnson visited Columbia University amid protests surrounding the Israel-Hamas war. Jewish students expressed concerns for their safety, facing antisemitism on and off campus. Some students are considering transferring due to feeling unsafe and unwelcome.

Key Points

  • Jewish students at Columbia University expressed concerns over safety and antisemitism.
  • Some Jewish students are considering transferring due to feeling unsafe and unwelcome on campus.
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson promised to address the issues faced by Jewish students with President Biden.


  • House Speaker Mike Johnson listened to Jewish students' concerns in person.
  • Jewish students felt grateful for a leading political figure addressing their safety issues.
  • Congressman Anthony D'Esposito highlighted the failure of the administration to ensure safety and welcome all students.


  • Protests against Israel-Hamas war led to tensions and antisemitic incidents on campus.
  • Some Jewish students faced physical violence, intimidation, and harassment.
  • Concerns raised about feeling unwelcome and unsafe on campus.