Renovation of the Mona Lisa Display at the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum in Paris is considering further upgrades to the room housing the Mona Lisa to improve visitor experience, including potentially moving the painting to a separate underground room. The proposed renovation budget is 500 million euros. The Mona Lisa has been a target of attacks in the past and is often criticized for long wait times and limited viewing time.

Key Points

  • Upgrade plans involve potentially moving the Mona Lisa to a separate underground room
  • Renovation budget estimated at 500 million euros
  • Mona Lisa is one of the world's most-visited artworks, attracting 20-30,000 visitors daily
  • Many visitors have complained about long wait times and limited viewing experience


  • Enhanced visitor experience
  • Potential to reduce wait times and increase viewing time for the Mona Lisa
  • Modernization of display conditions


  • High renovation cost
  • Potential impact of state budget cuts on the project
  • Historical attacks on the Mona Lisa