Skilled Blue-Collar Migrants in U.S. Shipbuilding

President Joe Biden's Navy secretary advocates for importing skilled blue-collar migrants to work in U.S. shipyards to address the shipbuilding crisis and improve productivity, despite concerns about the impact on American workers and opportunities.

Key Points

  • Shipbuilding crisis in the U.S. with delays and quality issues
  • Importance of skilled blue-collar workers in the shipbuilding industry
  • Navy Secretary's call for increased legal immigration for blue-collar workers
  • Concerns about the impact of mass migration on American workers and productivity


  • Addressing the shipbuilding crisis by importing skilled workers for U.S. shipyards
  • Potential improvement in productivity and efficiency in shipyard operations


  • Reduction in pressure to train the next generation of American workers for skilled jobs
  • Concerns about the impact on American workers and opportunities