The Brains of 'Super-Agers'

Some older adults known as 'super-agers' exhibit memory abilities of people 20-30 years younger due to less brain atrophy and better brain connectivity. They show resistance to age-related decline and minimal signs of Alzheimer's disease.

Key Points

  • Super-agers have more brain volume in memory-related areas.
  • Their brains resemble those of much younger individuals.
  • Maintaining physical health, social connections, and lifestyle habits are important for healthy brain aging.


  • Super-agers exhibit memory abilities of people 20-30 years younger.
  • Their brains have less atrophy and better connectivity.
  • They show resistance to age-related decline and minimal signs of Alzheimer's.


  • The specific factors that make someone a super-ager are not fully understood.
  • There are variations in health and lifestyle behaviors among super-agers.