The Impact of Burnout Culture on Health

A recent study shows that working long hours and lack of sleep can have negative physical, emotional, and mental consequences as early as age 50. Signs of burnout include feeling tired all the time, decreased performance at work, and pulling away from others. To combat burnout, experts recommend setting boundaries at work, taking regular breaks, practicing self-care, and seeking support from friends and colleagues.

Key Points

  • Long working hours and lack of sleep can lead to depression and poor health by age 50
  • Recognizing signs of burnout early is crucial for maintaining overall health
  • Setting boundaries at work, practicing self-care, and seeking support are effective ways to combat burnout


  • Identifies potential health consequences of long working hours and lack of sleep
  • Provides signs of burnout to help individuals recognize the issue early
  • Offers practical tips for managing burnout and staying healthy


  • The study cannot definitively prove causation between work conditions and health outcomes