Controversy over Hunter Biden's Laptop

Hunter Biden's legal team threatened Fox News with a lawsuit over 'hacked' and 'intimate' images on their site, but Fox News defended their coverage as constitutionally protected. The controversy surrounds Hunter Biden's laptop and allegations of wrongdoing.

Key Points

  • Hunter Biden's legal team threatened Fox News with a lawsuit over 'hacked' images.
  • Fox News defended their reporting as constitutionally protected.
  • Controversy surrounds Hunter Biden's laptop and allegations of wrongdoing.


  • Fox News defended their reporting as constitutionally protected coverage of a public figure.
  • The chain of custody of Hunter Biden's laptop has been well established according to reports.


  • Hunter Biden's legal team threatened Fox News with a lawsuit over the images.
  • Allegations of potential wrongdoing including tax and gun-related indictments, sex trafficking, and FARA violations.