Updated Mammogram Recommendations for Women

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Updated recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advise women to get mammograms every other year starting at age 40, rather than at age 50 as previously recommended. This change is in response to rising cancer rates among young people and the increasing incidence of breast cancer. Early detection through mammography can lead to improved survival rates and quality of life.

Key Points

  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends mammograms every other year starting at age 40
  • Cancer rates among young people, including breast cancer, are rising
  • Early detection through mammography can lead to smaller surgeries and deescalated treatment
  • Tailored screening methods based on individual risk factors


  • Early detection of breast cancer
  • Improved survival rates
  • Improved quality of life
  • Tailored screening for high-risk individuals


  • Not sufficient evidence for additional screenings for women with dense breast tissue