Woman's Obsession with the Color Orange

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Sheri Scott, a content creator from England, is obsessed with the color orange and incorporates it into every aspect of her life, from her wardrobe to her home decor. Her love for orange stems from feeling her truest self when she dyed her hair that color. Scott's online presence revolves around helping others find their style through dressing in color.

Key Points

  • Sheri Scott incorporates the color orange into every outfit and aspect of her life
  • Her online presence focuses on helping others find their style through dressing in color
  • She feels a deep connection to the color due to her ADHD and autism diagnoses


  • Sheri Scott's love for the color orange has helped her express herself authentically
  • She has built a strong online community around her unique style and personality


  • Some may view her obsession with the color orange as extreme or limiting