Controversial Comment by Barbra Streisand Towards Melissa McCarthy

Barbra Streisand made a controversial comment about Melissa McCarthy's weight loss, which resulted in backlash. Melissa McCarthy responded with grace and positivity, considering it a win that Streisand acknowledged her existence.

Key Points

  • Barbra Streisand asked Melissa McCarthy if she was on a diabetes medication for weight loss
  • Melissa McCarthy responded by considering it a win that Streisand acknowledged her existence
  • Famous fitness coach Richard Simmons praised McCarthy and criticized Streisand's comment


  • Melissa McCarthy responded to the situation with grace and positivity
  • The incident sparked conversations about body image and social media etiquette


  • Barbra Streisand's comment was considered tasteless and rude by many
  • Some criticized Streisand for her bluntness and lack of tact in the situation