Decrease in Law Enforcement Encounters with Suspected Illegal Migrants in Texas

Encounters between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants in Texas decreased significantly in 2024 compared to the previous year, while increasing in Arizona and California. Republican Governor Greg Abbott's measures to combat illegal immigration have been successful in Texas.

Key Points

  • Encounters fell in El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo, and Rio Grande Valley regions of Texas
  • Republican Governor Greg Abbott introduced measures like deploying National Guard troops and installing razor wire along the border
  • Encounters increased in Democrat-governed Arizona and California
  • Former President Donald Trump made tighter controls on immigration a central issue
  • Total interactions between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants from October 2019 to January 2024 were 9.8 million


  • Significant decrease in encounters in Texas in 2024 compared to 2023
  • Success of Governor Greg Abbott's measures to combat illegal immigration


  • Increase in encounters in Arizona and California