Justice League of Greater Lansing's Reparations Initiative

SOURCE npr.org
The Justice League of Greater Lansing, led by Willye Bryan and Prince Solace, has raised around $400,000 to address racial disparities through reparations in Lansing, Michigan. They have received support from various faith communities and individuals, and are now planning to redistribute funds as academic scholarships.

Key Points

  • Initiative started by Willye Bryan at First Presbyterian Church of Lansing
  • Raised $400,000 over less than three years
  • Received support from various faith communities and individuals
  • Planning to redistribute funds as academic scholarships and for homeownership/business support


  • Addressing racial disparities and historical injustices
  • Uniting faith communities and individuals in support of reparations
  • Providing financial support for academic scholarships, homeownership, and business ventures


  • Challenges in influencing state and national government for broader reparations initiatives
  • Delays and obstacles faced by other reparations efforts in different regions