Mail-in Ballot Processing Bill Approved in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's House of Representatives approved a bill to allow processing of mail-in ballots before Election Day, supported by Democrats but opposed by Republicans.

Key Points

  • Counties have sought the provision for years to give them more time to process mail-in ballots.
  • Nearly every state allows time before Election Day for processing mail-in ballots.
  • The surge in mail-in ballots in 2020 spotlighted the need for changes in Pennsylvania's process.


  • Counties can begin processing mail-in ballots up to seven days before Election Day.
  • The bill aims to help manage huge influxes of mail-in ballots and avoid a repeat of the 2020 election.
  • The bill is supported by the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.


  • The bill faces long odds in the Republican-controlled Senate.
  • Republicans warn that the bill could open the door to fraud.
  • GOP Majority Leader insists on toughening voter identification requirements as a companion to the bill.